domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Viaje a Canterbury

Estábamos deseándolo y aquí lo tenemos. Aunque ya han pasado unos meses desde que algunos de nuestros alumnos de 2º ESO viajaran a Canterbury, merece la pena recordar aquellos días y, sobre todo, si nos lo cuentan sus protagonistas:

Just after Easter holidays, I went with some friends from the high school to Canterbury, In the United Kingdom.
When we arrived to Canterbury it was really green, also, it looked like really ancient city, with the big walls and the roman paths were really beautiful. There were lots of green areas, parks, gardens every place was green. One of the best things was the cathedral, was rally big and beautiful, also, there were canals from the Romans where you could go with a boat or with a canoe along de beautiful Canals. The houses in the middle of the city were really beautiful because they were like the film of Billy Eliot and also there were some that were tilted like the Pisa tower.
So, Canterbury is a very beautiful place where you can do lots of things; also, it is a place with lot of tourism.And the greatest thing was the day in London, the London eye, the Buckingham Palace, the British Museum of London and more interesting things.
Well, my stay here has been really successful, I recommend you to came here.
Nicolás Chimeno (2º ESO D)

A few weeks ago I went to Canterbury, it was an incredible experience!
Every day we had classes in  the morning  where we learned a bit of english and during the afternoon we visited important places there. My favourite thing of Canterbury were the historical buildings which may have more than 400 years so that when you went along the main street, which had lots of them, it was as if you were in the middle ages.

One day we visited London, another astonishing city. The first thing we did there was visiting the Brittish museum, which is really special due to the fact that  it has one little piece of every culture. After that we went to visit the most famous sights in there, Trafalgar square, Buckinham palace, houses of parliament, Westminister abbey, Big Ben, London Eye…
Everything was just so beautiful  that I hope I can go back there someday. 
                                                                            Alejandra Merino (2º ESO D)
¡Gracias, Alejandra y Nicolás,  por compartir vuestra experiencia con nosotros!