martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

Tintín visita nuestra Biblioteca

Nunca se sabe lo que nuestra Biblioteca nos depara... Cuando no es la guarida de los monstruos, con Halloween, es el universo del cómic en su más pura esencia; y si no, recordad la exposición que albergó el último trimestre del curso pasado, de la que aún quedan huellas en las lámparas y en los maravillosos y coloridos sillones tapizados.

El cómic, pues, nunca ha acabado de marcharse. Y ahora, desde hace unas semanas, se personifica en uno de sus más famosos y representativos personajes, el joven periodista creado por Hergé: Tintín. El valiente reportero nos visita junto a su perro Milú y otros inolvidables compañeros de aventuras, como el capitán Haddock o los detectives Hernández y Fernández.
La exposición reúne cómics y vídeos, una muestra a la que merece la pena echar un vistazo.
Si todavía no la habéis visto, acercaos un rato por la biblioteca, y dejad que Tintín os invite a viajar por los cinco continentes, y a vivir con él alguna de sus innumerables aventuras.

sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

Crónicas de Halloween II

¡Qué exitazo! Enhorabuena, alumnos de 1º ESO, por vuestra participación... Aquí tenéis más comentarios sobre esta actividad que tanto os ha gustado. 

First, the history teacher came. Then, he told us top ut on our scary costumes. The best costume in our class was Carlos. Next we did a lot of Halloween games.
When I was in the playground talking to my friends with the costume on, somebody told me that my false hair was the same as one person of a TV programme. I had a very funny day.
By Alfonso Moraleda

On Friday we celebrated Halloween. In the morning we dressed up and then some of us went to the library to explain our Halloween posters to other classes. In Science we did a Halloween worksheet and in English we went to the library for the rest of the students to explain their poster.
By Natalia Cano

Algunos de los espectadores, en la gran final, todavía estaban disfrazados
On 28th of October we celebrated a party. It’s Halloween. We did a competition of costumes and the winner was Carlos Nebreda (1º B), the 2nd was Laura (1º A) and the last was Laura (1º C).

 By Raquel González

We celebrated Halloween at school on Friday the 27th of October. When we arrived at school our first lesson was History but the teacher told us that we could dress up in our Halloween costumes. When everyone finished the teacher gave us the exams of History. Then at the Spanish lesson, when we were reading horror stories in Spanish the English teachers came in and asked us to go in front of the blackboard to tell us which costume was the best. Finally, the winner was Carlos, who was dressed up with a scary butcher costume.
By Jorge Rodríguez

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

Crónicas de Halloween

Pues sí. Ya tenemos las aportaciones de algunos alumnos de 1º ESO y, cómo no, en inglés. Aquí os las dejo.

On 28th of October we celebrated Halloween because on Monday 31st of October we didn’t have class. When I arrived at my class I put my costume on, and scared the teachers when they entered the class.
When we were in the Spanish class, the jury entered the class to see which was the best costume. My friend Carlos won the contest and I was the second.
Before the contest we decorated the class with Halloween pictures like skeletons, pumpkins, mummies, etc. We didn’t celebrate Halloween in History, Science, Spanish and Technology but in Maths and English we did. I had a good time in high school with my friends. I hope we can celebrate it next year too.

By Jose Ignacio Daguerre   (1º B)
Un merecido 2º puesto

On Halloween, we did a costume competition at school. Carlos, a boy in my class, won. The some people presented their Halloween posters in the library. They gave us sweets. In the English class we practised with Halloween sheets and how to celebrate  it. We went home and on Monday the 31st of October some people went from house to house asking “Trick or treat”?

By María Mayordomo (1º ESO B)

Halloween on Friday 27th was great! We presented our Halloween poster and we talked about horror stories that are so scary. There was a prize for the best costume. Carlos’ costume was very good. At the end Carlos won the prize. He was very happy because he loves football and the prize was a ball and sweets. That Friday was a very, very scary Halloween!

By Raúl Álvarez (1º ESO B)

Y la tercera finalista...

On Friday 27th we had normal lessons but    IN OUR HALLOWEEN COSTUMES! It was   impossible to concentrate! Then, near the break, some teachers voted the best costume and the winner was my friend Carlos with a butcher-zombie costume and finally we   presented our Halloween posters.

By Ernesto Buñuel   (1º B)                              

Guapísimos todos, ¿verdad?