jueves, 11 de junio de 2015

PETER PAN's play

This play is fantastic, I love it. We did lots of rehearsals along the course, sometimes a bit messy but it was fun. The best of all was the day before the competition, we made the rehearsal with all the costumes and the decoration, it was incredible: the window , the crocodile, the fairydust. Etc…

 This play has made us to know each other quite well, because of the time we have spent together practicing, rehearsing and learning the script…so now we can say we´ve learnt to work together. We handmade a window from a cardboard, we painted and set the courtains. We all had our part on the play and even the one who didn´t  act helped with the lights and the proyection of the photos on the back of the stage.

We´ve worked hard as a team and we have really made the most of our time together.We´ve laughed , danced, and sang and now we know each other perfectly.

Antía Temprano and Natalia Fernández,
2º ESO C